Carter Brothers GTR 250 Live Axle Kit Redesign


The live axle kit is the first project we did back in November 2013. The original live axle was 18 splines, and 3/4″ compare to the new one with 24 splines and 1″ shaft. The new shaft also uses 4140 metal instead of the weaker metal use on the original one. The original shaft was twisting slowly and eventually break. The live axle is made in Canada.

Carter Brothers GTR 250 Live Axle OriginalCarter Brothers GTR 250 Live Axle New

The CV Axles also changed from the original one, from an 18 splines inner cv joint to a 24 splines inner cv joint. The outer cv joint stay the same to keep the same wheel hub and reduce changes. The CV Axles were specially made to our specs for this project.

This is a video we did when we test the kit:

The video was made to make sure everything was working perfectly without any issue.

Interested in the kit, this is the link if you are interested in buying one: Carter GTR 250 Live Axle Kit


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